
Oil Paintings

Paintings from Greek Artists

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Welcome to our Shop

The Gallery Diamanti eshop would like to welcome you and guide you in the field of Art, offering you a unique experience with quality choices and services that will exceed your expectations!

Our Goal

All of us in Gallery Diamanti Shop at Northern Greece Veria for the last 40 years, we have one goal: "To give you the opportunity to apply new techniques to decorate your space with the most attentive and quality choices at the most economical price." Our main concern is to offer high quality products and services. Responding to your needs we constantly enrich our collection with reproductions of Greek and foreign artists. Oil paintings on canvas, hand-made with the technique of the spatula, Textured, cracked, are some of the processes by which we can give another form in the works of your choice so that the reproduction is approaching very close to the original. In conjunction with the selection of the appropriate frame we will frame the work, we offer a complete and quality proposal for the decoration of your room.

What we Offer

Gallery Diamanti for many years is offering quality decorative works not only in Veria but all over Greece. As always etchings, serigraphs, mirrors, paintings, frames, rails, carved images and other types of art objects are added to our complete decoration suggestions. In our store "Gallery Diamanti" you will find everything about paintings, picture frames, posters, canvases, and copies of works of art in the most competitive prices. We have many Greek artists such as: GEORGITZIKIS, ZENETZIS, KATSAVOS, KOUSSIDIS, MARNAIZOU, MOURATIDOU, BELEGRI, PAPADOMANOLAKIS, PERGANTA, PERIFANOPOULOU, PILITSIDIS, RIGOULIS, SEREMETIS, CHARALAMPIDIS and many others.

Thank You

It's allways our honor to visit our store in Veria (northern Greece) and give us the opportunity to serve you as people of Gallery Diamanti only know! We would like to take this oportunity and thank all of our customers for their dedication and support for so many years!


Rigoulis Kostas

Rigoulis Kostas

Rigoulis Kostas He is one of the...

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Psomas Dimitris

Psomas Dimitris

Psomas Dimitris He is one of the...

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Zachariou Thanassis

Zachariou Thanassis

Zachariou Thanassis He is one of the...

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